Monday, May 3, 2010

U.S. Government

In my opinion, the U.S. government needs to make several changes in order to get its citizens involved. Political knowledge within our nation has been decreasing for the past few years. America's citizens do not feel as if they can make an impact in our governmental system by just one vote. However, we do not live in a true democracy if not everyone is heard. The creation of several organizations such as "green peace"or animal protection groups have given people a sense of unity and right to be heard in our government. These groups also encourage people to aim for a goal or purpose within our country. However, citizens should be able to trust that they can affect the government, and not just the wealthy. As of now, many people believe that the right to impact political officials is reserved to the wealthy. This is often the truth. All citizens should be able to trust their voice within our nation and feel as if their vote matters. Unless the U.S. wants our country to eventually be run by only the elite, the government needs to encourage political participation by its citizens.

1 comment:

  1. I sympathize with you, I truly do, however I disagree when you state "Unless the U.S. wants our country to eventually be run by only the elite..."
    Our country is run by an army of lobbyists sent by corporations to direct policy. I am for the smaller groups you mentioned, but I know that Greenpeace isn't getting the same treatment as say Goldman Sachs. Special interests can be a very good, or very bad thing. It seems like more of the latter these days.
    I'm not sure what the answer would be for trying to get Americans to be more politically active. It used to be the responsibility of the media to report on issues and inform the public. Now the media are the gatekeepers of the secrets rather than the investigators trying to uncover them.
    As long as the media is corporately controlled and in the hands of a four or so conglomerates I feel it will be a long road to an aware citizenry.
    These days information is power and We the People are losing power everyday.
