Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Michelle Obama in Action

I think it is often assumed that the lady of the White house does not carry her own agenda. Many times, we believe that the president has certain goals or aspirations and his wife simply supports him. Although it is crucial for the president to have this support from his wife, I think it is very admirable when the women of the White house have their own goals as well.
Michelle Obama has already demonstrated that she will use her time in the White house in order to strive toward accomplishing great goals. An article in the NY Times outlines her plan to better the nutrition of children within our country. Her Campaign has been named "Let's Move" and focuses not only on food nutrition, but activity and medical examinations for children. Mrs. Obama was able to convince three different companies to reduce the amount of unhealthy ingredients in their school lunches. This alone is a huge accomplishment, considering small changes in diets will make a large impact for children.
In my opinion, her plan itself is admirable. However, many people may disregard this because plans for children's health have come and gone. This is where Obama's plan differs from the rest. Many other nutrition campaigns have lacked agreement between different departments. President Obama has signed an order to instill cooperation among departments such as the Department of Agriculture and Education. This coordination is what really struck me in this article. Many politicians have dreams and aspirations. However, there are so many competing views within different sectors of our government. It is great that Obama got these different departments to coordinate.
The two main ideas that inspired me from this article were Michelle Obama's drive to make a change, and the great strategy of gaining support from several departments.

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